Electronic wholesaleparts and components
GAUSS Trade is your reliable source for electronic components which specializes in hard-to-find items, emergency deliveries at short notice, and promp supply of allocations and obsoletes (allocated and obsoleted components). We supply a wide range of electronic parts including integrated circuits, optical components, converters, capacitors, and connectors from almost all manufacturers.
4 122 products in the catalog
Our catalog lists a wide range (a large number) of parts and components our company or some of our European suppliers have in stock. However, such stock items are just a fraction of the product range we are able to deliver.
GAUSS Trade offers its customers a possibility of purchasing goods for customer stock, which allows us to spread deliveries as agreed over a specified period. The ordered goods are stored in our facilities and delays in individual deliveries are thus eliminated.
Moreover, GAUSS Trade offers its customers free advertising worldwide of their excess stock, provision of technical documentation, location of a requested spare part, etc. It is our policy to always comply with the customer’s specification or offer a cross part, as the case may be.